
Valuation Report - What is it?

Whether you are purchasing or investing in a property, need a valuation for legal reasons or are unsure of the value of your home or property assets, you may need a Valuation Report. By appointing a qualified and experienced Chartered Surveyor who is also a Registered Valuer, you are more likely to obtain an accurate and reliable valuation which depending on the specific purpose, will be most credible when dealing with third parties. Wood Croft Chartered Surveyors can act both for individual clients or on a jointly appointed basis if required.

All valuation reports include a professional value of the property and ensures that this is in line with the current market. The reports also identify any serious defects with the property and establish the re-instatement value for insurance purposes.

General Valuation Summary

  • The valuation is provided by a Chartered Surveyor who is also a Registered Valuer.
  • It involves a site visit.
  • The property is measured and photographed.
  • Detailed research on comparable evidence is undertaken as required.
  • A detailed written report is provided.
  • Post valuation support is provided by phone and email.

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