When should I book my Valuation or Survey?

If you are in the process of purchasing a property then it is strongly recommended that you instruct/book your RICS Home Survey Level 1,2 or 3 surveys or Valuations as soon as your offer on the property is accepted. Building Surveys for structural issues in a property you already own should be carried out shortly after the potential defect has come to your attention.

Is a Mortgage Valuation a Survey?

No. A mortgage valuation which is often referred to as a survey is a brief inspection of the property undertaken by a Surveyor solely for the benefit of the lenders/bank/mortgage provider and not the home buyer and is purely to confirm the market value of the property as a security for the loan/mortgage.

Do Level 2 and Level 3 Surveys come with a Valuation?

Both the RICS Home Surveys Level 2 and Level surveys can include a valuation if requested, usually at an additional charge or you can opt to have either survey without a valuation element. Not having a valuation in either report will not impact on the quality or content of these reports except there will be no value provided for the subject property.

Should I get an RICS Home Survey Level 3?

RICS Home Survey Level 3 are typically required when the subject property is of large construction, is dated (85+ years or pre-dates the 1900s) and already shows signs of significant defect. Level 3 Surveys will also be recommended when the property in question has had an extensive extension or conversion work done more than 15-20 years or so ago.

What will I get?

A Survey undertaken by Wood Croft Chartered Surveyors will highlight potential problems in the property that may need urgent attention. This ensures that you avoid expensive surprises and are provided with peace of mind. It also aims to highlight issues that may affect the property value. This information enables you to obtain quotes for remedial works, ask the seller to fix the issues or even negotiate a better price for the property.

Who will undertake my Survey?

All of our Surveys are undertaken by RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) qualified Chartered Surveyors.

Will my survey be carried out by an RICS Surveyor?

Yes, all of our Surveyors are RICS-Accredited Surveyors and Registered Valuers and have many years of experience undertaking property surveys, valuations, and inspections.

What is RICS?

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is a professional organisation that establishes and enforces standards for valuing, surveying, operating, and developing assorted types of property in the UK. The organisation’s roster consists of 134,000 accredited professionals in over 140 countries. In the UK only an RICS Registered Valuer can provide an official market value for a property.

Where is my Surveyor coming from?

Usually, Wood Croft Chartered Surveyors’ surveyor will be travelling from within a 25 miles radius of the subject property so will have local knowledge. For properties in remote locations the surveyor may have to travel further.

How long does it take to get my Survey Report back?

Wood Croft Chartered Surveyors aim to attend and inspect the property as soon as possible following full instruction and payment subject to access. We also aim to complete and return all surveys reports within 5 working days of the initial inspection depending on the complexity of the subject property. We also offer an express service for an additional charge of £100.00 if required sooner.

How will I receive my Report?

Wood Croft Chartered Surveyors operates a paperless policy management which means less paper and printing and in turn, less waste, and less harm to the environment. As a result of this policy all our Reports will be issued to clients in a PDF format via email only.

Will Wood Croft arrange access to the property for my Survey?

Once payment is received, Wood Croft Chartered Surveyors will get in touch with the agent/vendor on your behalf and arrange access to the property for the inspection. Clients will be required to provide Wood Croft Chartered Surveyors with all the relevant access/agent/vendor contact details beforehand.

Can I leave a property key with a neighbour or the agent?

Yes, this is a common practice. Please make this arrangement directly with us when arranging the appointment.

Can I have a discussion with my Surveyor about their findings following the inspection?

All of our Surveyors are more than happy to give you a call and discuss any findings from the inspection prior to issuing the final report. Just request this with us if required.

Do you carry out Retrospective Valuations?

Yes. At Wood Croft Chartered Surveyors, we carry out retrospective valuations though this will depend on the retrospective date required. We can carry out private valuations tailored to a variety of purposes including Capital Gains Tax, Matrimonial, Probates and more.

When do I have to make payment for my Survey or Valuation?

For all our instructions, Wood Croft Chartered Surveyors insist that payment is processed in full before the Survey or Valuation goes ahead.

How do I make a payment for my Survey or Valuation?

Payment to Wood Croft Chartered Surveyors for all services are to be made by direct bank transfer.

What happens if I change my mind about the property I want to purchase and wish to cancel my Survey/Valuation?

You may cancel your Survey/Valuation. In such cases our Cancelation Policy will apply as follows: If you have ordered a Survey/Valuation to be provided and it is carried out during the 14-day cooling-off period you will not be entitled to a refund for service(s) already provided to you which have taken place before the date of cancellation. Our cancellation policy is relevant within as well as outside the 14-day cooling-off period and is:
a) If you cancel within 5 working days prior to the Survey/Valuation date, there will be an administration fee off £99.
b) If you cancel on the day of the Survey/Valuation, full charges will apply.
c) All cancellation must be notified in writing at least 5 working days prior to the Survey/Valuation appointment otherwise charges in a) or b) above will apply.
If you have purchased our ‘Cancellation Policy Premium’ (billed at £20) with your Survey/Valuation a) is not applicable and you will only be charged the £20 fee for the cancellation, however b) is still applicable and all cancellations must be in writing by 5.00pm the working day prior to the inspection appointment, otherwise the full fee applies.
If you cancel 5 working days prior to the Survey appointment but still wish to instruct us on another Survey/Valuation we will be happy to credit the value of the payment received towards your next Survey/Valuation with us (please note that you may be due a refund or asked to pay any difference in the value of the initial cancelled Survey/Valuation and the new Survey/Valuation).